Wellness Center

Well-being shouldn’t just be defined as the absence of mental illness; instead, we should associate flourishing with resilience, sense of purpose and meaning in life, sense of belonging, good relationships, and overall thriving both personally, and within our Sewanee community.

Students will spend four years in college, and faculty and staff can spend 40 years in our community. Not every day is going to be great. Most of us at times can feel lazy, sick, sad, happy, silly, lonely, and about a thousand other emotions. It’s common, and there are lots of ways to keep yourself moving toward feelings of flourishing.

We can’t all be flourishing all of the time. When you could use some help:

Accessibility (SAS)

Our community is committed to keeping our campus accessible. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is comprised of staff members from the University Wellness Center (psychologists and medical professionals), who along with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs and the Assistant Director of Residential Life are members of the Accessibility Review Committee. Student Accessibility Services seeks to create an environment wherein:

  • The nature and degree of access to programs, services, and facilities, and the level of self-determination afforded qualified persons with disabilities are indistinguishable from those which are available to their peers without disabilities;
  • Students with disabilities are afforded access as immediately and unobtrusively as possible at the point of institutional contact; and
  • Students with disabilities are recognized for their abilities, rather than their disabilities, or stereotypical attributes ascribed to their respective physical or mental impairments.