Music tells a story. Communication through music challenges us to translate feeling into song, establish discipline of mind, and find harmony in teamwork. Music is a vibrant piece of the liberal arts education that transcends the academic world. It strings our memories together with the nostalgia of sound and allows us to express ourselves in varied ways.
Why study Music at Sewanee?
If you study music at Sewanee, your talent will be cultivated in a variety of settings, increasing your professionalism, talent, and likelihood of success in postgraduate pursuits. A wide variety of music styles are represented here on the Mountain. Through composition, performance, theory, and music culture, you’ll be exposed to a wide range of tracks and be able to choose the paths that best suit your talents. We offer composition & theory, music history, and performance.
Sewanee has a long tradition of outstanding music making, from the nationally renowned University Choir and orchestras to faculty-led ensembles. You’ll get to experience choral music, jazz, classical, folk, and much more. Music is a beautiful combination of mathematics, rhythm, nature, and sentiment—an auditory art form. Let the Sewanee music program connect you with other disciplines across campus. It's the embodiment of a liberal arts experience.
First Destinations: Music Majors
Sewanee graduates secure positions in a variety of fields. Some you would expect, others, are a bit of a surprise. Sewanee prepares you for your profession and your passion. Below is a sampling of recent graduates' first job.
- Analyst, Carlisle and Gallagher Consulting Group, Charlotte, NC.
- After School Music Teacher, Community Music Centers of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA.
- Organ Scholar, Sewanee: The University of the South, Sewanee, TN.
- P-3 Teaching Assistant, First Lutheran School, Knoxville, TN.